Legal notice / Flower shop - Florarcos
FLOSUR ARCOS SL in compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11 on services of the information society and electronic content, informs you that:
Its company name is:
His CIF is: B-11969581
Its registered office is located at:
C/ Camino de las Nieves, 61 - Arcos de la Frontera - Cádiz.
And it is registered in the Mercantile Registry of...
Likewise, we indicate that to contact us you can do so through our email: tienda@florarcos.com
FLOSUR ARCOS SL informs that the website:
www.florarcos.com aims to provide the general public with knowledge of our activities, services and, where appropriate, the acquisition of our goods or services.
FLOSUR ARCOS SL in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and the rest of the regulations that develop it, guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data provided by its clients.
The Intellectual Property rights of the website: www.florarcos.com belong exclusively to FLOSUR ARCOS SL, this being the only one to whom the exercise of the right to exploit it corresponds.
FLOSUR ARCOS SL does not assume any responsibility regarding access or connection to third-party pages that are alluded to or referenced on our website www.florarcos.com
The fraudulent use of the information contained in this web page will give rise to the legally established actions.
FLOSUR ARCOS SL Is not responsible for possible security errors or possible damage that may occur in the user's computers or files when they correspond to the hosting of a virus on the user's computer, browser malfunction or non-updated versions of the same, as well as all damages or security failures that the legislation does not expressly attribute to the owner of the website.
We will be happy to assist you personally.